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Marianna D'Ezio

Informazioni personali

Tipo di inquadramento presso UNINT: professore a contratto
E-mail: marianna.dezio@unint.eu 



Orario di ricevimento

Mercoledì, dalle 16.30 alle 18.00, previo appuntamento via email.

Principali pubblicazioni

  • “‘Yearning for Freedom’: Isabella Blagden and the Italian Risorgimento”, Anglistica Pisana (2012, submitted).
  • Anonymous, Il Giornale delle Dame (The Lady’s Magazine), introduction, translation and notes by Marianna D’Ezio, Padua: Cleup, forthcoming.
  • “‘Musing on the Difference of Woman’s Destiny’: Reconsidering Emma’s ‘Happy’ Ending”, in Jane Austen’s Emma. Revisitations and Critical Contexts, eds. Francesco Marroni and Gloria Lauri-Lucente, Rome: Aracne, 2011, pp. 169-183.

Breve profilo biografico

Marianna D’Ezio completed a PhD in English Literature at the “Sapienza” University in collaboration with Oxford University. She is Adjunct Professor of English at “Sapienza”, “RomaTre” University and “San Pio V” University. Her research interests focus on eighteenth-century literature and travel writing, with special attention to women writers. She has published articles and edited a collection of essays on eighteenth-century literature for Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Her monograph on Hester Lynch Piozzi has been published in September 2010 and her next volume, in preparation for Peter Lang, deals with the relationships between British women travellers and Italian salonnières in the age of the Grand Tour (2013). She is also a professional translator. Her last translation, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, was published in June 2011 for Giunti, and she is now working on the translation of American writer Meghan O’Rourke’s The Long Goodbye. As for language, she published Grammatica Inglese (Mondadori 2010), and Advertising English (in collaboration with Giovanni Skelton, Giulio Perrone Editore, forthcoming 2012).

Curriculum vitae