è un viaggio
a doppio senso
rivolti verso l'altro
Fiat Group Automobiles and FORMIT Servizi are pleased to invite to the 2-day conference “i-Tour in Rome”, which will take place the 1st and 2nd July, 2013.
The event “i-Tour in Rome” is intended to present the results and give a demonstration of i-Tour ( Link esterno), a FP7 funded project on Intelligent Transport System for personalized information for mobility in urban areas, together with an insight on ITS, Transport and Security research. The event will take place in Rome and will last two days, offering two different workshops.
1st July 2013 - workshop “CAAR2013. Cooperative day of Adaptive trAvel infoRmation” is devoted at presenting the state of the art of i-Tour project, together with an insight on ITS development and situation in Italy.
2nd July 2013 - workshop “Transport Information Systems and Security research” is intended to present an insight on trends in Transport Information Systems and Security research at national, European and international level.
Please find following the link to the invitation and to the detailed event program Link esterno.
Both workshops will be held at the lecture hall of Rome University of International Studies (LUSPIO), via Cristoforo Colombo, 200 - 00147 Roma (
For the registration to the event, one day or both days, please visit this link Link esterno.
For any inquire you may have, please contact:
Cristina d’Alessandro
Ph. +390817879753 – Fax +390817879756