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Facoltà di Economia
Facoltà di Interpretariato e Traduzione
Facoltà di Scienze della Politica e delle Dinamiche Psico-Sociali
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Nome / Name
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Cognome / Surname
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Indirizzo email / Email address
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Telefono / Phone number
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Application form (Allegato A) / Application form (Annex A)
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Allegato B / Annex B
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Documento di identità / ID document
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Curriculum vitae/ Resume
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Abstract della tesi di laurea / Abstract of the final university dissertation
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Transcript of records del corso di laurea / Academic transcript of records
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Diploma di laurea / Graduation degree
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Progetto di ricerca / Research project
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Approvazione del progetto di ricerca / Research project approval
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Lettere di referenza / Recommendation letters
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Pubblicazioni / Publications
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Pubblicazioni / Publications
Esperienze professionali / Professional experiences
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Dichiarazione di valore / Declaration of value
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Diploma supplement / Diploma supplement
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